Thursday, August 23, 2012


Life is lived in moments. 

I've been slowly learning this over the past number of years but it really came home to me anew the other night when I helped my sweet dog, Demi, deliver her first litter. 
Those precious tiny puppies are born shrink wrapped in a clear membrane which is very hard to break. My job was to tear an opening in the membrane so Demi could begin stimulating her puppies to take their first breath.

 A moment... 

          and life hung in the balance. 
Yes, life is lived in moments.

  And each moment matters. Each moment becomes part of a chain of moments which make up a lifetime. 

How will in live in this moment? 
            Will I love? 
            Will I give? 
            Will I deny myself, think of others?
            Will I live for the One who made me? 

Sometimes but not each time.

 Oh how I want each moment to be lived rightly. 

I am learning the only way to live in the moment is to walk with God...moment by moment, in faith and in trust. 

Jam 4:14Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

A Quiet Place

Have you ever struggled to find a quiet place where you can rest your mind and your soul? 

This has been my struggle over the years. 

I want to read the Word,  
                                                    talk to God...

but the noises of life keep crowding in 
(not to mention the "to do" list in my head and my own wandering thoughts)!

While reading John Piper's book "When I Don't Desire God: How to Fight for Joy", I discovered why I struggle. I've never been able to consistently have a space that is designated for this purpose.

Today, I asked God to show me a space and He did!

 There is a window upstairs that I've always loved because it looks out into the woods. It has been the home of our treadmill for years now, but not anymore! 

I grabbed my favorite chair (one where my feet touch the floor!), an antique table (long relegated to the attic),moved my "quiet time basket" by the chair and now, I have that long desired quiet place. 

If you don't have a quiet place, ask God to show you one! It might be a closet, a corner of a room or the corner of your yard. 

He just longs to help us find rest for our souls and a quiet place to meet Him. 

Matthew 11:28-29

New American Standard Bible (NASB)
28 “ Come to Me, all [a]who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.