Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Twists and Turns of Forgiveness

As with most things in life, forgiveness is learned as we journey and grow. Early experiences with forgiveness usually include being told "Say you are sorry" as a child. Honestly, don't most of us wonder why we are saying "Sorry" when the other kid was mean to us?

Further along in life, we begin to seriously wrestle with our hurts. In the twists and turns of trying to understand forgiveness, we learn there are choices to be made. Here are a few:

We can ignore them.

We can bury them deep.

We can be angry.

We can seek revenge.

Eventually we discover that none of these choices comfort our soul.
Only one choice does that...forgiveness!
But how exactly does one forgive a hurt and especially a hurt that no one said "I am sorry for..."?

Here is what I have learned over the decades of my life:

  • Forgiveness is something I choose.
  • Forgiveness is between me and God.
  • Forgiveness brings freedom.
  • Forgiveness is not the same as reconciliation.
  • Forgiveness is only possible because I have been forgiven. 

Remembering how much (like ALL of my sins from the past, present and even the future!) I have been forgiven by God through His son, Jesus....enables me to grant forgiveness to others even if they do not say
"I am sorry."

And then, my soul is comforted and I am free. 

See Matthew 18:21-35