Friday, January 31, 2020

The Anchor

I love to go antiquing. One never knows what one will find.
It is much like a treasure hunt!

On one such hunt, I found this lovely cross, at least that is what it was to my eyes. As I proceeded to pay for it, the shop owner asked if I knew what this was. Odd question, I thought.

Yes, I know.

He seemed surprised and said, " So you recognize this as an anchor?" No not at all! It was very heavy though. I had noticed that!

My mind turned to a familiar verse which is such a word picture:

"We have this hope as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul" Hebrews 6:19a

Anchors are vital to a boater. Anchors hold the boat in place as the waves try to push it along.
Anchors hold us in place too when the storms of life roll over us.
What anchor do you use when life rolls over you?

Recently in studying Hebrews in Bible Study Fellowship (a world wide interdenominational Bible study for men, women and children ), the second half of this verse stood out to me:

"a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain". Hebrews 6:19b

HOPE...we hear the word and use the word HOPE a lot.
 I hope this works out. I hope you feel better. I hope I pass this test.

Hope” is commonly used to mean a wish : its strength is the strength of the person's desire. But in the Bible hope is the confident expectation of what God has promised and its strength is in His faithfulness. In Hebrews, hope enters. What is the inner place behind the curtain? The curtain in the temple separated the Holy of Holies where God was from the rest of the temple. Once a year the priest could enter to atone for his and the peoples' sins. 
But Hebrews goes on to tell us that Jesus entered as a forerunner on our behalf. (Hebrews 16:20)

Because He entered and atoned once for all (I Peter 3:18), you and I can have hope in forgiveness, reconciliation with God, forgiveness of our sins and peace with God. 

This hope anchors us when life is overwhelming and when life is good. 

My anchor/cross has hung on my front porch for years. Most days, I barely notice it but when the storms of life come.. my eyes rest on this symbol of Christ, the anchor for my soul. Everyone needs an anchor.

What are you anchored to?

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